NOTE: This pedal CANNOT have a battery clip option and runs only on 9V DC power supply.




The SAME EXACT CIRCUIT AND HAND SOLDERED THT COMPONENTS as the bigger KLON-A-PIN but for the minimilist, the board savers, and your budget!!

-The Familiar “unobtainable horse overdrive” with a tad more FUZZ on hand great driving signal high gain amps, low gain amps, and makes an incredible tone box for audio interfaces!

  • TOP knob - ANXIETY (Drive); with enough gain on tap to drive your amp crazy
  • Middle knob- PANIC (tone); sometimes anxiety ain’t enough, so this hightens your high mid range to make things feel a little more “on edge”.
  • Bottom knob- RELIEF (Volume); life is a roller coaster, sometimes you need more sometimes you need less depending on the situation, this knob should balance your volume for whatever situation your in.

-Features hand picked, tested, and completely hand soldered components

-Features REAL NOS quality germanium 1N34a’s

-Hand Drilled, Sandblasted, Powder coated, and Die Cast Viny designed enclosures.

-3mm white LED w/ black bezel

-All circuit boards are ultrasonically cleaned of all oils and flux for better, longer lasting sound and build quality.

-All handmade in NJ, USA under one owner.

Regular price $225.00